Saturday, November 6, 2010

New! Island Innovation Fund

This new fund is administered by the Hawai‘i Community Foundation (HCF)to provide new opportunities for innovative approaches to long standing social issues for Hawai‘i based nonprofits that now face growing resource constraints as they try to fulfill their missions. The rapid advancement of new human capital strategies, technological advances and networks illustrate the need—and opportunity—for innovations the non-profit sector. Innovations have the potential to generate significant impact in a given field or the entire nonprofit sector by transforming how organizations work or deliver services in response to larger forces. The Island Innovation Fund’s website will be a platform for new ideas and a way to encourage a culture of non-profit innovation through a new funding opportunity. HCF’s first online grant application targets nearly $3M over three rounds. Applications and awards will be posted publicly to share and improve ideas. Funded organizations will participate in sector discussions and share progress online. Not all good ideas maybe initially funded, but will have a chance to develop further. A multi-phased online grant process will launch this fall with awards of up to $100,000 expected in 2011. Online application launches on November 1; organizations have one month to submit innovations. HCF invites the most compelling concepts to submit full proposals in January-February 2011.  Finalists make public presentations and a panel of expert judges selects winners by March 2011. Application is available at