The blog of the Hawai'i Museums Association. HMA is a non-profit corporation dedicated to communication and cooperation among the staffs and supporters of Hawaii's museums.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Bishop Museum’s Digital Initiatives
Bishop Museum Press enters the digital realm with the release
of six of its most historically important and popular publications as e-books. Titles
available for the Kindle, iPad, and Nook e-readers include Folktales of
Hawai‘i, collected and translated by Mary Kawena Pukui with Laura Green; Ka
Po‘e Kahiko: The People of Old, Works of the People of Old, and Tales
and Traditions of the People of Old by Samuel Kamakau; Arts and Crafts
of Hawai‘i by Peter Buck; and A Legendary Tradition of Kamapua‘a, the Hawaiian
Pig-God by Lilikala Kame‘eleihiwa. An additional nine titles will become
available soon. E-books provide another means for extending our reach, offering
added convenience, and engaging new readers in the rich legacy of storytelling and
sharing knowledge that remains at the heart of the Museum’s mission.
Bishop Museum’s Government & Governance Digital Initiative,
supported by the Hawai‘i Council for the Humanities, provides digital access to
rare and unique research materials written or collected by those actively
engaged in government service during Hawaii’s monarchial period. These documents,
amassed from both Hawaiian and English language sources, present and represent diverse
perspectives of 19th century Hawai‘i to provide an understanding of the social history,
local concerns, and international political machinations a century ago.