Thursday, November 15, 2012

President’s Report – By Jane Hoffman

Incoming HMA board president Jane Hoffman with outgoing
 president Stacy Hoshino following the annual meeting.
The venue for our Annual Membership Meeting in mid-May was the Honolulu Museum of Art with about 70 members attending. In addition to the program, members had the opportunity to network with colleagues and partake of refreshments, generously provided by Whole Foods Market Kahala. Honolulu Museum of Art’s Executive Director Stephan Jost delivered a keynote speech which gave us a look behind the scenes, and enlightened us about the history of the museum. He also explained the reasons for the recent name change and outlined exciting plans for the museum’s future. At the meeting we said a fond farewell to outgoing board members, President Stacy Hoshino, Treasurer Celeste Ohta and Director/Oahu Representative Sharon Tasaka. Their many years of service and dedication to HMA are greatly appreciated.

At our recent board meeting, I was encouraged by the board members’ enthusiasm and ideas in planning events for the coming year. On behalf of the board, I encourage participation by all HMA members and welcome your ideas for trainings and seminars.

Following a very exciting and busy year of hosting the Western Museum Association Conference in Honolulu, this year will be a little quieter, but will give us a chance to expand the ways in which we bring new members into our organization.

As I begin my second year on the HMA board, I’m looking forward to getting to know more of my colleagues in the HMA community.